Sunday, June 3, 2012

15 weeks

I kind of missed last week thanks to some sickness around our house, but this week has been a little crazy too. I am 15 weeks along, and according to many websites the baby is the size of an orange. Last week I felt the first few flutters and a small kick. I have felt all of my children move at 14 weeks. It is exciting when you feel those first little movements, and if I could sit still for two minutes together then I could probably feel the baby move again. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow, so excited to hear the little heartbeat and set up the appointment for my ultrasound. We have decided we will find out the gender, but we have not decided if we will share the news.

Cravings- Homemade Ranch dressing, I dream about it (I know I am weird)

Morning Sickness- My nausea subsided for about a week and a half and now it is back, but eat snacks helps. Although I have lost my lunch a couple times over smells, my stomach is still very sensitive. I will talk to my doctor about it.

Maternity Clothes- They are definitely out, I am getting a nice round bump these days. Not sure if people can tell yet, but they will soon, because I carry my babies out front so by the end of this month there will be no hiding it!

Week 15
My son recalls there is a baby in a tummy every now and then, and when he does he will pray and ask God for a "boy to play trucks with". That is his answer if you ask him what he wants, but every time without fail if you ask him what I am having he will say it is a girl. We will see......

1 comment:

  1. How exciting to be able to feel the baby moving! I just love that feeling and can't wait for it!

    I have been on a ranch dressing kick too (not homemade though)!

    Hope everyone is feeling better in your house!

